Just Like Dad

“You have your father’s eyes.”

“Your Dad used to do that.”

“He was good at that, too.”

“You got a lot from your Dad.”

And so goes the list of comments about how similar my father and me were. Those similarities span across so many things. We have the same sleepy eyes (and same terrible eyesight), the same love for art, the same passion for writing. Some say we have the same handwriting and even  the same signature. My mom also says I got a lot of habits and mannerisms from Dad. I am truly,

To me, these words have always been compliments. Ever since my dad passed on, I’ve always enjoyed hearing stories about him. It’s like my dad is able to live on through the traits and interests we share. I can always imagine that when I write a blogpost, use my brush pens, or sign my name, Dad is somewhere out there, smiling, proud of me. Sometimes, I even like to imagine that he’s doing those things with me.

Of course, Dad has traits that didn’t make it to my phenotype. Dad was into a lot of sports, especially basketball. He played the sport, coached the sport, and watched a lot of the sport. I can fake-watch the NBA Finals all I want, but I could never get that into my system the way Dad used to. He was also adept with the guitar; I couldn’t play music to save my life. He was also an amazing photographer, while I am limited by Instagram filters. These and so many more will be among the things I will never see my dad enjoy again; stories that will have to be left to the my imagination. There are times I wish I could be into sports, play an instrument, or take pretty pictures, if only to share more interests with Dad.

But that’s okay. I still believe he lived a full life. He lived a life where he always gave his best and always put others first. While I didn’t get to see much of what my dad could do, I know he loved freely and unconditionally, something I got a firsthand experience of.

I haven’t seen my dad for twenty years now. So much has happened from then, but I will always be proud to be his daughter. I strive to live my life the fullest and the happiest way that I can, just like Dad has done.

Happy birthday, Dad! You are and will always be missed, twenty years and counting. I love you! 


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